The Process


Initial Call: In our brief 15 min call, we will discuss your home’s bed and bath count, current upgrades, and take some preliminary information on possible repairs. For the MOST accurate offer, we may ask you to provide a few photos of the kitchen and bathrooms.


Walk-through with Xpress team: if your property address and condition meet the hedge fund’s requirements, we’ll set up a time to walk the interior. During this walk, our team will price what repairs the hedge fund may require. This ensures the offer you receive is accurate and create a seamless closing.


Listing Contract: After we have sent you the price you can expect to net after commissions, we will send you a listing contract. This contract is ONLY good for this ONE buyer. Meaning if you change your mind or if you decide to sell on the open market, you are not locked into a long-term listing with us. Within 24 hours of the listing being signed, we will request a copy of your key to add a lockbox to the home. This will allow the hedge fund to access the home after closing and also for their final walk-through. Please note, any showings of an occupied home WILL be coordinated with you…no one will access your property without your knowledge.


Buyer Offer: Once the listing contract is signed, the hedge fund will send their contract to us, which we will share with you for signatures. Once this takes place, you are officially under contract.


Information Request Letter: Within two business days of signing the contract, you will get an information request letter from the title company that the hedge fund asks all its sellers use. The complete and ACCURATE completion of this document keep everything on schedule. In that letter and subsequent emails with Title, you will be offered 3 ways to close: mobile notary, in-person, or print and notarize on your own. Either way, they need to know in advance.


Hedge Fund Inspection: Within 10 days (usually 3 or 4) of the accepted contract, the hedge fund will send their own personal representative to walk the property and take photos. These photos include general room photos, specific repair items, and even the serial numbers of appliances so they can better service repairs for their future tenants.


3-days from Closing: The hedge fund requires that you be fully moved within 2 days of closing. They are looking for ALL personal property to be removed prior to their final walk-through. This includes, furniture, trash, left over food in the fridge, and anything in your garage. If you’re not sure, call the Xpress Agent you are working with to get clarification. Either way, know that the hedge fund is going to work INCREDIBLY quickly to get the home rent-ready; which means that they don’t factor large-scale trash-outs or dumpsters into their calculations. Failure to clear out the home can result in delayed closings or pricing negotiations. If you need a moving company or trash company, get with your Xpress Agent ASAP..don’t wait!


1 Day before Closing: While you can pre-sign as the seller at any point, the buyer does request that the seller sign first.


Closing Day: The hedge fund will sign their side of the documents, wires are sent to your bank, and you are completed!!!


Yay!! Congrats, you just made waaaay more money
than your neighbors and you closed a lot quicker!


Homes Sold


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